European Health Property Network Workshop
Copenhagen lecture
Andrea Möhn held a lecture at the Eurpean Health Property Network Workshop about her ongoing work on customized spaces for clients with intellectual disabilities and misunderstood behaviour.

The Cocoon
'How a different environment leads
to fewer behavioural problems'
This wonderful publication of our very special project has been viewed more than 17.000 times. https://www.kennispleingehandicaptensector.nl/volwaardig-leven/begeleiding-a-la-carte/ipse-de-bruggen/andere-omgeving-minder-gedragsproblemen

ARCH22 conference
Enabling, health, care and wellbeing through design research
As part of the organizational committee Andrea Möhn is excited to bring the 5th Architecture Research Care and Healthcare Conference which will take place next year in Rotterdam under your attention.

Workhome is taking shape
Oblique masonry defines the
Almost half of the construction of the four buildings for the mentally disabled in the Green Heart of Holland, the special details become visible...

European Healthcare
Design Awards 2019
Wooden Forest - Highly commended
The project Wooden Forest received a Highly commended in the category Mental Health Design at the European Healthcare Design Awards 2019.

The Plan Award 2019
'Wooden Forest' shortlisted for 'The Plan Award 2019' in the category Health Centres and Facilities.
(For more information click here.)

European Healthcare Design 2018
Bellow you will find the link to watch Andrea Möhn and Linda van Beest's lecture in London about: 'Dolf’s Room'.

'De Straat van Diemen'
After a very short and creative period of 8 months, the beautiful new public area of Diemen's town hall has been opened. Mayor Erik Boog and architect Andrea Möhn held the opening speeches about the circular approach and collaboration with the different stakeholders for the design. To learn about the project have a look here!

European Healthcare Design 2018
Andrea Möhn and Linda van Beest (Ipse de Bruggen) held a lecture at 'European Healthcare Design 2018' about: 'Dolf’s Room - How changing the environment of a client with mental disabilities can make a difference'.
(For more information click here.)

The Plan Award Health 2018

Wooden Forest
An existing building has been renovated into a central facility for diagnose, treatment and care. The additional volume provides functions and flexible facilities with a new and fresh appearance.

Office excursion
Office excursion along 8 healthcare projects of Möhn+Bouman Architects.

Second PRIZE for the competition;
"Masterplan for the University Hospital Münster", together with Boom Landscape!
Aim is the reorganization of the 24 ha. campus including 56.000 m2 of new buildings in an already heterogenous context. Rather than creating more fragmentation, in our plan the new buildings are used to mend and structure. In doing so we created space for a large public park which unites different parts of the campus and provides it with a new, friendly face towards the city.

Harbour Housing
meeting #1
First public meeting for our Harbour Housing initiative has been held successful on April 16th. The aim is to realise a tailor-made urban housing project for particular groups of clients.
In doing so we hope to provide an alternative for traditional commercial dutch housing developments.

New project
Extension and renovation Care Centre Nieuwveen.

ZigZag building
ZigZag building published on:

"Living at the waterfront
in NL"
Andrea Möhn will give another lecture at University Duisburg - Essen at Institut Städtebau Stadtplanung about living at the waterfront in NL.

"Living at the waterfront
in NL"
Andrea Möhn will give a lecture at University Duisburg - Essen at Institut Städtebau Stadtplanung about living at the waterfront in NL.

Construction starts ZigZag building
Construction starts ZIGZAG building.

Lecture at Humboldt University Berlin
Psychology of architecture -
a room for Dolf
Andrea Möhn held a lecture at the International Conference Farbe und Gesundheit at Humboldt Univerity in Berlin with a focus on the influence of colours in architecture on our well-being.

International Week
lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund
During the 'International Week' Andrea Möhn gave a lecture on the topic 'The Netherlands - designing, planning, building - how's it going there?' In which she gave insight into the building practice in the Netherlands.

Workhome finished
New home and daycare for mentally disabled
After less than a year of construction, the key handover was celebrated today. Four beautiful buildings were mentally disabled can develop their skills on what was once a farming in a vast landscape. https://www.am-a.eu/work-home

Andrea Möhn held a lecture at Fachhochschule Dortmund about Planning and Building participation. The title "NO BOUNDARIES" was what guided this study.

Andrea Möhn held a lecture at "ARCH19 –Building for better health. Research and innovation in architecture and urban design for care and health" conference in Norway about "Your personal Space".

Zorgtotaal 2019
Andrea Möhn and Linda van Beest spoke at the dutch Zorgtotaal 2019 fair about 'Dolf's room - the changed life of a client with an intellectual disability'.

Circular, Circular...
Dutch leading school magazine "Schooldomein" published an example of our circular approach for the town hall of Diemen in their newest edition, to inspire schools to follow and start with circular reuse as well. Have a look here.

EuHPN 2018
Andrea Möhn and Linda van Beest (Ipse de Bruggen) held a lecture at 'EuHPN 2018, European Health Property Netwerk' in Gothenburg.
They talked about: 'Dolf’s Room - How changing the environment of a client with mental disabilities can make a difference to his life'.
(More information about Dolf's Room and EuHPN.)

Perspective Europe 2018
Andrea Möhn held a lecture at "PERSPECTIVE EUROPE 2018" conference in Venice, Italy about "Society - creating a human-built environment".

Wooden Forest

New name, new image...
After almost 20 years of Möhn + Bouman Architects, with numerous successfully and worldwide published projects, Andrea Möhn will continue the office’s activities within AM_A Andrea Möhn Architects.
René Bouman founded b-au bouman architecture+urbanism —> www.b-au.eu.

Congress Expeditie Begonia
Andrea Möhn set to hold a lecture about 'Dolf's Room' in Amersfoort at "Congress Expedite Begonia" with focus on how an environment can change the life of people who need special care.

design approved
Workhome-design approved for further development.
Together with the client we developed a radical new combination of life and work for people with behavioural disorders, Site is a beautiful old farm in a typically Dutch landscape.

New project
Möhn + Bouman has been SELECTED for the transformation of a former farm into an innovative living and working environment for disabled people.

Playground Finished!

Faces of Interior
Preserving human dignity
Office portrait möhn + bouman
Faces of Interior, August 3-2015.

Think Different
Andrea Möhn will hold a lecture called; "THINK DIFFERENT!" at the Institute Housing and Design (IWE), University of Stuttgart.
The lecture will take place on April 27th.

New Study
We have been asked to start a series of studies for the transformation of a monumental, post-war church into a service centre for the local community.
The church is located in the north-east of Holland and has been vacant for several years. With respect for the former meaning of the church in religious as well as architectural sense, the client is seeking solutions to convert the church-building in a community centre with the focus on health care services, possibly along with the addition of housing for elderly nearby. A highly interesting and challenging assignment is about to start!

Editorial in HERD
Person-Centered Care:
An International Dialogue
We were very excited to read the editoial of D. Kirk Hamilton for HERD (Health Environments Research & Design Journal) about the dialogue of our international group from USA, Israel, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1937586721993786

'Talks from Abroad'
lecture at Texas A&M University
It was a great pleasure that the students of the SHEA - Student Health Environment Association took the initiative to invite Andrea Möhn as one of the selected worldwide participants to give a lecture about her current work.

The cocoon made of solid cherry wood, will be the most important element in the redesign of the living environment of a mentally disabled.. After a careful analysis, an environment was designed that exactly met her protection needs.

Baltimore lecture aaaaaaaaaaaa
Planning New Psychiatric Facilities
in Europe
This week Andrea Möhn spent her time in Baltimore at the School of Architecture and Planning at Morgan State University to talk about the importance of the Design and the way of planning New Psychiatric Facilities is Europe.

Construction starts Workhome
We are currently starting working on the foundations for the four buildings, for which an abandoned farm offered an opportunity to create an environment for people with severe behavioral disorders.
(For more information click here.)

Wooden Forest
Our project 'Wooden Forest' fetched the attention of different online architecture platforms from New York to Madrid.

Circulaire Herinrichting
We are very proud of the new booklet
“Circulaire Herinrichting Raadzaal en Publiekshal Gemeente Diemen” we designed.

Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam
Towards the end of July we held a presentation for the
Montessori Lyceum, a school in Amsterdam.
We studied the possibility's of the reuse of two of the four buildings and extended it. The results were presented to the board of the MLA just before the summer holidays. We are pretty trilled to show them to you.
(For more information click here.)

Wooden Forest
WOODEN FOREST published in the newest magazine of Industriebouw edition April 2018.
(See the publication here.)

'Straat van Diemen'
AM_A is selected to transform the interior of the city hall of Diemen, together with
Van der Plas - Meubel & Project BV.

Portuguese in the World
Interview with our Portuguese architect Maciel Barreira for the Portuguese Worldradio ("Portuguese in the World" program) about his experience living and working abroad (Japan and The Netherlands).

Purchase for UHZ
Purchase for UHZ together with dJGA.
Competition for the new Heart clinic in Hamburg (Germany) with 50.000 m2. Heart clinic dominated by the volume of the surgical centre creating an entrance area with a green 'canyon' and a waterfall inside.

IABR tours include 4
of our projects
23.04.2016 - 10.07.2016
The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, to be held in the district of Katendrecht (www.iabr.nl). Tours will be held Saturdays and Sundays will visit four of our local projects: Adventure Playground, Paravente, Playground Tolhuisstraat and Walhalla House.

ZigZag published
ZIG ZAG published in DOMUS german edition 017
January/February 2016

Opening ZigZag
Opening ZigZag building.

Steel Screen Published
Steel screen published in Braun, ATLAS OF EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE, 06/2015.

ZigZag finished
ZigZag building finished.

Opening KKL
Opening Psychiatric Clinic Klinisch Centrum Kristal.